Monday, 3 August 2015

Sampling deep-sea scavengers in Lurefjorden

A calm morning for sampling deep sea fauna in Lurefjorden.
Today on-board the MS Solvik, a further 100 images of the sea floor along a linear transect were taken, with a high-resolution photograph produced every 10 metres. 

Traps were also baited in order to collect some deep-sea scavengers. These traps were constructed from 1.5 litre plastic bottles, and lowered to a depth of 450 m. After a duration of 45 minutes, a haul of hagfish (Class: Myxini) were brought to the surface, and bagged for isotope analysis post-cruise. 

Scavenger traps: Fizzy drink bottles cut to create an inescapable funnel, and baited with mackerel that has been left to 'stew' for a while...
Sample net with scavenger bait around the outside.
Hagfish bagged prior to on-board freezing. Post-cruise, these will be analysed to determine the isotopic signature. 

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