Friday, 7 August 2015

Deploying sediment traps in Masfjorden

Solvik in Sævråsvåg

Today marks the final day of sampling for the Jelly Farm cruise 2015! 

The Masfjorden sediment trap was deployed to 480 m. Like the Lurefjorden trap, a new sample bottle will be automatically switched every 14 days, and then the trap collected after a year on the sea floor. Scavenger traps containing mackerel bait were also deployed, as the yo-yo frame yesterday did not haul up any scavengers. The sample net with attached traps brought up a few hagfish, which were bagged and frozen for isotope analysis. 

Priming the acoustic releaser for the sediment trap.
300 kg chain to weigh down the trap.
Deploying the floats for the Masfjorden sediment trap. Pictured: Graihagh Hardinge and Andrew Sweetman.
Successful deployment! Pictured: Andrew Sweetman.

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