Monday, 29 May 2017

JellyFarm Meeting, Oslo, 22nd to 24th May

The JellyFarm Project team in Oslo for the 2017 JellyFarm Meeting. 

The JellyFarm Project team in Oslo for the 2017 JellyFarm Meeting.

Dr Siliva Hess (University of Oslo) presents results on foraminifera communities in a jellyfish dominated and a fish-dominated fjord in Western Norway
Lars Birkeland Sjetne (University of Olso) presented results from his masters thesis examining organic carbon accumulation from fish farms in Hardangerfjorden, using a micro paleontological and geochemical study.  

Dr Dan Jones (National Oceanography Centre, Southampton) presented results from work package 5 examining depth effects on jellyfall scavenging dynamics. 

Dr Paul Renaud (Akvaplan Niva) coordinates planning for experiments in the Fall to examine the combined effect of organic input from aquaculture and jellyfalls on benthic biogeochemistry in Kaldfjorden, North Norway.