Tuesday, 28 March 2017

Flume Update 28th March

Mimic jellyfish have been introduced to the experimental flume system.  Along with the oxygen scavenger irrigation system we will now examine the impact of fallen jellyfish carcasses on oxygen flux in the benthic boundary layer.

Microsensor measuring oxygen between mimic jellyfish carcasses

Mimic jellyfish in the flume 

Monday, 13 March 2017

JellyFarm Flume Experiments March 2017

Experiments are continuing for JellyFarm Work Package 3 at NIOZ, Yerseke, carried out by Kathy Dunlop, Tjeerd Bouma and Andrew Sweetman with the advice and assistance of Anton Tramper and Dick Van Oevelen.  

In 2016 we successfully collected data to study the physical impacts of jelly-falls on benthic boundary layer flow dynamics.  In 2017 we are further this investigation by looking into the impact of jelly-falls on Benthic Boundary Layer oxygen dynamics.  

Kathy working with oxygen microsensors in the NIOZ flume, Yerseke.