Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Large Jelly Fall in the Flume

A large jellyfall is created in the NIOZ flume using mimic jellyfish.  The jellyfish cover 1/4 of the surface area of the experimental flume space. 

Freshly prepared mimic jellies 

NIOZ adv sampling the fluid velocity and turbidity around the mimic jellyfall. 

NIOZ Cheesecake Bakeoff

A bit of baking as a break from the flume.  Even better when everyone at NIOZ can benefit and an opportunity to say thank you for another great visit.  

The competitors

Friday, 8 April 2016

NIOZ Flume

Mimic jellyfish in the flume at NIOZ ready for some profiling to examine the effects of jellyfish carcasses on fluid dynamics.  
Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter collected data on the flow velocities around a mimic jellyfish 
Flow velocities are being measured around mimic jellyfish in the NIOZ flume to determine the effect of the fall of jellyfish carcasses on the benthic environment.  Our aim is to create flow conditions similar to those found in the deep fjords of Norway inside the flume (slow flows between 2 and 10 cm per second).

The Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter (ADV) is on a robotic arm that allows velocity profiles to be made all around and above the jellyfish carcass.  

Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Artificial Jellyfish Production

Artificial Jellyfish Flume Experiments

The effect of jellyfish carcasses on fluid dynamics at the seafloor has not been investigated.  Therefore, in April Kathy Dunlop is conducting experiments in flume at the Royal Netherlands Institute of Sea Research (NIOZ).  

First the board on which to place the artificial jellyfish (made of moulded agar) was made and an artificial jellyfish tested in the flume to ensure that it didn't float.

Creating the experimental board to insert into the flume. 

First artificial jellyfish in the flume